Re-Entry - A Model for Renewal and Performance

May 20, 2020

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by Kara McCord, M.A. IO Psychology

How Does this End?

Right now, in this moment, your organization might very well be in survival mode. Your team is learning to work from home, or you’re trying to figure out what social distancing looks like in a workplace. Think of survival mode as “phase 0” on the journey toward re-entry. On any given day, it might feel like survival mode will last forever, but it won’t.


We’re all on a journey of re-entry or put in a more aspirational way: a journey of renewal. But where are we going? How will we know it’s time to go back? And what are we going back to? Talmetrix believes your team already has the answers to these questions, you just need to know how to prompt them to share and how to listen for insight.

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Tags Remote Work, Talmetrix, Covid19, Employee Engagement, Employee Feedback, Employee Experience, Renew